This sweet treat that looks like honey comb is vegan and tastes a bit toasty. Honeycomb caramel is easy to make if you follow these easy steps carefully. Turn your kitchen into a small laboratory where magical things can happen!

Crunchie crunchie cruncie! Crunchie is a chocolate bar that I grew very fond of when living in Australia and England. To make this very special little treat you'll need your self a candy thermometer that reaches 200 C degrees, a tall saucepan and a baking dish. The unique texture of the honeycomb can be achieved when baking soda is added to the hot sugar syrup but please do be very careful and make sure your saucepan is tall enough for the rise and your backing dish is the minimum size of 25x25cm. This recipe is made with grams and milliliters so a scale and a measuring cup are needed.
- 350 g sugar
- 160 g light syrup
- 120 ml water
- 1/2 tsp salt
- 1 tbls baking soda
- Dark chocolate
- Line a 25x25cm baking dish with parchment paper.
- Add sugar, syrup, water and salt to you saucepan. Raise the temperature of you stove to medium and stir until the mixture starts to simmer lightly.
- Place you thermometer to the mixture and stir slowly.
- When the caramel reaches 150 °C degrees remove from hear. Add your baking soda into the mixture and stir quickly. When the mixture is bubbling heavily and the baking soda is well combined pour the it to your lined baking dish. Work fast but carefully so you don't burn yourself!
- Leave it to harden for few hours.
- Once the honeycomb is fully harden break it to peaces wit a knife. Melt your chocolate and dip the honeycomb pieces in it.